I knitted two hats for Warm Woolies . They were fast and easy, good projects to knit while chatting with people at knitting group, or watching a TV show that requires more than a passing glance.
I gave Tamar her birthday present, the tank top I showed last week or so. She really liked it, and it fit her perfectly, even with "the girls', as they are. I lucked out in my guestimates.
It's 2/3 finished, hopefully I can finish knitting and get it blocked and out in the mail by the weekend.
I've also made some progess on my tank top. So after this post, I better get
knitting! I really would also like to have this finished by next weekend...because I would like to be able to wear it sometime during the following week, even though it's not really "tank top" weather here yet, I am going to Tucson AZ! Next Monday, I'm going to Canyon Ranch Spa. Tamar asked me to go along with her (even before I gave her the b-day gift, LOL). She bought a little casita there last year, and goes often. I've been twice before, in my "old life", so this time will be a little different, but I will manage. My soul needs the desert mountain views. Of course I've been thinking of what knitting projects to bring, the temps are going to be in the 90's. (hush Mary, you're used to it by now, I am sure). I think I will bring my seasilk and start the Montego Bay scarf from Interweave Knits. The description of the project says its a perfect vacation knit, with the sea scented yarn. Sea scented? I wonder if there is any Cactus scented yarn? heh heh.
I hope you all had a nice weekend, and a good week coming up. I will be busy at work getting ready for the following week away from it. Good thing I'm going with my boss, so I don't have to be so connected to work. 
Wow! Lots of good stuff on the needles!
Lovely, as always. Knit away on that tank so you can enjoy it!
Canyon Ranch Spa? Ahhhhh! Envy. Have some swell massages and spend time taking in the open spaces. Isn't it wonderful how you can carry vast vistas comforatably in your soul?
The tank top looks splendid! Knit faster!!
Oh girl are you wrong! I HATE this heat and even after 14 years I am NOT use to it..lol Better pack sweater in case, but otherwise you bring hot summer clothes..we're in the 100's and Arizonia is usually just a wee bit hotter then us sometimes. At least AZ has more humidity.
Wish it was closer, I'd visit but with no vacation or benies, I'm stuck..lol Do hope you have a great trip!!!
beautiful knitting, as always, and oh gosh enjoy your trip!!!
Ooh that sounds like a ton of fun AND much deserved! Beautiful FOs of course, and the tank is looking great!
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