It looks like my trip to Tucson is going to happen on Monday after all, and I am really looking forward to seeing the landscape out there again. I spoke with Tamar this afternoon, she's home and ready to go back already. It's her escape from reality, and I am more than happy to escape with her. And perhaps at Canyon Ranch, I can talk to someone about my feelings towards my old life vs. this new one. Get a different perspective, maybe. Ah, but I have lots to do before Monday! It is funny...since I started knitting, when I am planning a trip the first thing I think of right away is not what clothes I will take, but what knitting projects will come along. I am still working on the tank top, it's not even in the home stretch, but I still am going to persevere. My neighbors are having a party tomorrow, and I accepted the invite even before I knew I was going away. I really have a lot to do, besides knit, (like pack!) I think they'd think I was nuts if I said I can't come over, I have to finish knitting this tank top...and then pack ;-) But, they are busily readying their place right now for the party (our back yards face each other) and I can see them being worker-bees through the fence. So, I will do the neighborly thing and go over for a little while and be sociable. Then scoot home and get ready for Arizona. This might be the last post until after I get back. I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and have a great next week. XOXO
I looked at the Canyon Ranch website. It looks like you have an exciting week ahead of you. I hope you find it relaxing and energizing at the same time.
I hope you have a great time!
I hope you have a wonderful trip, dear - and don't spend too much time pondering so that you cannot enjoy, but do whatever it takes to come back refreshed!
Do hope that you have a fantastic, refreshing trip! Enjoy yourself and we'll see you when you are back!
Have a fanastic trip, and tell Arizona I miss it! Can't wait to see all your FOs and the photos...
Bon voyage and welcome home.
Nancy, I hope you have a fantastic trip. You deserve it, and all the perspective I hope it brings!
Oh, it sounds wonderful! Enjoy enjoy enjoy.
I always plan what knitting I'm taking before anything else, too. I'm already figuring out what knitting I'm taking to CA this summer. Who care what I'll wear!
Hope you are having a wonderful time.
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