Saturday, April 14, 2007

Signs of Spring

No knitting content today, I'm working on things for the Dishcloth exchange and I don't want my partner to see her items in case she stumbles upon my blog. :-) Instead, I'm posting pics of signs Spring in my yard today. I saw the first dragonfly zoom by, probably bought in on a wind from the approaching low that's going to produce a major coastal storm and nor'easter tomorrow.

Some of the pansies I planted last week.

What's left of the daffodils that were planted long ago,
and some hyacinths still in bloom.
Soon the 'orange snake' will be covered with summer growth and mulch.

The male American Goldfinches are sporting their spring plumage more each day.
I love to see them change to brilliant yellow.
They enjoy the feeder I've set up for them on my deck.

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