Saturday, February 24, 2007

Personality and Cuteness!!

After a really shaky performance on Wednesday night, it looked like our hometown American Idol would be going home after the results show on Thursday night. The judges pretty much sealed her fate with their comments on her performance. Simon echoed my opinion, she had her looks going for her, but she'd probably be going home. As the emlimination progressed, Antonella was the last on stage of the row of six girls; she looked so resigned and nervous standing with Ryan Seacrest waiting to hear that she was going home. I was totally shocked when Ryan announced that she was SAFE! I think she was surprised too, from her reaction. Thrilled, I am sure, but suprised. I am glad, I'd like to see her sing another week. Hopefully she'll take the judges advice and choose a really good song and sway the judge's and viewer's opinions. I'm ignoring the "scandal" I've read about, for now. I voted for her a few times, as I said, we Jersey Girls have to stick together!

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