I couldn't let the day end without the Saturday Sky post. Finally,

a beautiful blue one! Most of the day was like that, a little breezy, but just lovely. The temps were around 70.
I started my day by going to a couple of garden centers...No...I didn't as

k how much those awesome potted palms were, but damn, they'd look good in my yard. Too bad they wouldn't overwinter up here! But, I filled my car up with a whole lot of other happy, and took them home to fill up the deck. Wow...it was work, but worth it. I only took a break to come inside to watch Big Brown win the Preakness.

That horse is AMAZING. I got to see a few shots of my boss Tamar and her husband Gary on TV. That was cool. So, now, all that happy you see there to the right is now planted in their containers around my deck, but it was too dark by the time I finished to take their pictures. I found out the hard way that hose sprayers left out over the winter will crack. :-) Not the first time, I should know better. I guess I needed a drenching, LOL. Once again, I need a new sprayer. As well as a visit from a plumber...the outside faucet is leaking. Ah, the joys of being a home owner! I really did enjoy planting up all those flowers. I used to do so much more gardening in my old life, and I miss it so. But I was feeling pretty good today, (help from the pain meds!) so I got a lot done. I even allowed Reggae to come outside for a little bit, first time this season. He still tried to do his "Houdini" act, but he did come when I called after a few times, and went inside on his own. It was a good day. But I am tired now, and going to bed. I've got some more posts for tomorrow...I have to talk about the awesome Coffee Swap package I received from my surprise secret partner who turned out to be
Oh, I'm glad you felt good enough to be able to do some gardening - that must have been fantastic.
Beautiful Saturday sky!
Woohoo for gardening and gorgeous weather - and I watched the race too and was truly amazed. I found myself yelling "go horsey go!". Which is a little odd, but still :P
Hope there are no day-after aches from the gardening day. What a splendid haul you got! I can identify canna lillies. Hot and tropical, you exotic blossom!
Give Reggae an extra cuddle for me. Goood boy for coming when mom calls!!
Definite looks of a beautfiul day! So glad for you too that it was! Its HOT here! Your gardening alwasy looks so nice too, glad you were able to do it.
Glad to hear too that Reggae was a good boy!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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