"We'll go free form this week - Post about your WIPs, post about your package, post about the weather where you are - just be sure to include that the post is for the Spring Fling Weekly Topic somewhere inside it when you tell us it's there! I'd love to hear how folks are enjoying the goodies they received, if they have, or how much fun you had shopping for your pal!"
Free form? I can do that. I will talk about the weather where I am. This time of year is my favorite: mid-may. It's supposed to be warm (sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't) the humidity is low, and things are blooming again. I lov
e my spring flowering trees...My lilacs and my dogwoods.

This is the sky, with my 2 favorites today. Even though it was cloudy most of the day (again!) it
was in the 60's and felt at least warmer than last week. Right now, the sun is peeking out at 7pm, right before it's due to go to bed. The birds are singing, the leaves are bursting out, and all is right in my world. Today, anyway!

I had a great time shopping and putting together the package for my assigned pal in the exchange, Martina, the "pro" of The Bag Lady and the Pro. I included something special I found locally in NJ at the beach which was a china cup with an Alaska motif. (Alaska? in NJ?--LOL!!) I'm so glad she and her husband liked it.
I wish you all a good rest of the weekend, and for you Moms out there, a wonderful day tomorrow.
My favorite lilacs:)Hugs Darcy
The morning was icky but the evening turned out alright ad today there is some sun. It's still a little cool for May but I'm optimistically believing that maybe the summer won't be too hot. I like your new stash additions. I've never used Handmaiden sea silk but have admired the colors.
Love lilacs and dogwoods! What color are yours?
You sent a great package!!
We had that very same sky here, and have it again today. Most of our lilacs have fallen off, but the dogwood is in full bloom. It's my favorite time of year, too; I'm always waiting for it to get warm and stay warm, but it's not reliably warm here till the first week of June.
Not far off!
And you outdid yourself as usual missy! Lilacs are awesome - they always smell so very yummy. I'm glad things are bright where you are!
'Tra la! It's May! The lusty month of May!" (From the musical, Camelot)
"They call me May. It's not a name. It's an attitude." (From "A League of Their Own")
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