Happy Birthday

Today my boy is eleven years old! To think I almost lost him last March, every day he is with me is a gift in itself.
Last night I wasn't feeling well enough to trek to the PetSmart after work but I had to stop at the local drug store to pick up some things for myself. I decided to get him a little pack of treats and while I was there, and spied a silly little cartoonish stuffed catnip mouse. Every cat needs a new toy on their birthday (even if he has dozens as it is) so that came home with me too. I left the bag with the stuff on the kitchen counter when I got home, and while I was doing other things around the house I happened to look in the kitchen to see Reggae on the counter with his head deep in the bag trying to get at the mouse! I told him that was for his birthday, and he couldn't have it until today. Ah, who am I kidding? I took Reggae off the counter and cut the mouse off the cardboard and tossed it to him. He loved it, and he (or we) played for a while until he lost interest. But throughout the evening I'd spy him tossing up his new mouse aorund every so often. The old boy still has some spunk left.
So, happy birthday Reggae boy, I know your time left with me is on the shorter side of long. But if you can give me 5 more years of cattitude, you know they will be full of love and all your favorite things!
Happy Birthday, Reggae! May your day be full of catnip mice and scritchies and scratchies!
And many happy returns. I can just see him tossing his birthday gift in the air...
Reggae is getting a chorus of Happy Birthdays over here. :-) Give him some scritches for me.
Happy Birthday Reggae! Here's to many more!! Have some snuggles for me :)
Aw, and what a cute picture of him! Cleo does that too the little pip. She'll get all like.. oohhh, lemme have! And then be like.. whatever man, I don't need your stinkin toys. I always think she doesn't play with them until I start straightening up and find them where she batted em to places she couldn't get em back! haha. Happy birthday to Reggae!
Happy birthday to sweet Reggae! Here's wishing you lots and lots of catnip mice in the years ahead.
a little slow with the b'day wishes, but happy belated birthday reggae!
A very late happy birthday
to Reggae!!
I left you a little something on my blog, stop in and see!!
Happy, happy! May there be many hugs and mice in your future.
Happy belated birthday, Reggae!
Happy Birthday Reggae! Our pets all get presents on their birthdays too even if I don't manage to blog them. :)
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