How do you enter? That's easy. And, you will have multiple chances to enter. Do any or all of these things:
1) Leave me a comment. (doesn't get easier than that, huh?)
2) Link my 300 contest in a post on your blog, and let me know in a comment that's done.
3) Direct people over here from your blog post about my contest, and make sure to tell them to let me know you sent them. (Each referral is an entry. )
4) This is optional, and for extra credit: In your blog post about my contest, share your favorite tip or trick you've learned to make something about knitting/crocheting easier. Anything! A techinque, a shortcut, whatever makes your knitting or crocheting time easier. I'll compile all the tips you've shared, as well as mine, in a future post.
That's it! Easy, yes? You'll have until Friday the 22nd of February at midnite est, and I'll pick the winner(s)and announce by Sunday the 24th (I hope)
What are the prizes? You're wondering, right? Well, I haven't decided that yet, but be sure I'll come up with some good ones.
I'll leave this post up front until the contest is over so it's easy to find. Good luck!
eta: if you're "blogfree", read this to help your chances to win!
Congratulations sweet lady - I hope to be around and see all 300 of the next ones - and you know I'll post it up =)
Congrats on Post #300! I always forget to check what post I'm on.
I found this on Anne's blog... and it's now on mine too! (Along with my tip!)
300th Post Whoo hoo! I was visitng from the Hot Cocoa Swap board and saw your contest.
Some tips from me:
After casting on and knitting the first two stitches of the tail into your knitting, tie the tail in a big knot so that it stands out and you don't accidentally knit with it.
Use a sticky note to mark what the last row you did on a pattern was so when you go back you can easily start knitting again. Move the sticky as you go in case you are interrupted while knitting, you won't lose your place.
Ok...I'm in. I'll have to post on my blog later since M is waiting for me. Got to go get pretty. Congrats on the #300.
Congratulations on your 300th!
(I heard about the contest from Anne.)
Congrats on the 300 posts!
I linked ya and I found you by way of my own blog..lol coming back for more ocean pics :)
Do hope you have a good week!
Congratulations!! 300 wow! I am new to blogging - now I have a goal! I found your blog through the Hot Cocoa Swap. I posted you contest on my blog.
Congratulations on 300 posts!
yeah 300 I will definitely link you to my blog!!!!
Happy 300th post! Thats a big number!
I came across your blog from the cocoa swap :)
I've blogged about your contest and put up a pretty pitiful tip....
Take care!
Congrats! My knitting tip is pretty basic. I can never find my little knitting notions, so now I keep them all together in a clear makeup bag. That way I can "see" where they are right away.
Congratulations!! That's a lot of posts!
I've posted, linked, directed, and left tips. You can check me out at http://stringsandpurls.blogspot.com
I came here by way of Grace's blog.
Congratulations. A quick tip I've been using for tracking progress on cabled sleeves. I use red point protectors on sleeve #1 and a red pen to mark position on the chart and blue point protectors and a blue pen for working on sleeve #2. I also started the sleeves with only three dpns: one each to hold the work and the third one swaps in and out depending on which sleeve is in my hands at the time. One less needle to manage.
Congratulations on your 300th post! Time flies when you're having fun!!!
Oooh goody! I know I surely am glad you are around and post regularly.
Off to post... ;)
Happy 300! :-)
Congratulations on 300 posts! I'm a long way off.
Congratulations on your 300th post! Here's to the next 300!
Hi, Congrats on post 300! Loving Comfort - Grace sent me over. I'll be posting up your contest on my blog......... and hopefully I can think of a tip thats helpful! :)
Congrats on your 300th post!! That is so exciting. Found you through my fellow blggers, Chan and Mary. I will post on my blog tomorrow with links and tips. My year anniversary is coming up in March - how fast time flies.
congratulations on 300 posts! i'm off to post it on my blog along with my tip...
Congratulations on the big 3-0-0! I just posted about it. My favorite tip is this: The best thing I have come across are coil-less safety pins. You can buy small ones from yarn sites on the internet, or large ones from major craft stores in the "jewelry findings" aisle. I use the small ones as stitch markers or row counters, and I use the large ones as stitch holders.
Hey-you inspire me I've got a LONG way to go!
But I'll link you from my blog and my tip will be in my post (that IS the way it's supposed to be, right?? I'm sick, so confused!;()
Wow, 300 posts! That seems so far away to me... but I haven't even hit 100 yet :).
OH, and I came here from 'Knit me To The End of Time'
WOw - congrats! I'm posting it on my blog. I'm a lurker, by the way.
My hint - I sew sweaters together with thread rather than yarn. You get a much nicer, smoother seam that way.
Congrats on 300. I can't manage any!
I found out about you from Elaine http://elaine-knitting.blogspot.com/
She just was posting it as I came by.
A hint - hmmm. I cast on over 2 needles so the co doesn't get too tight.
I am commenting for an entry ! Congrats on your #300. Miss Me sent me, by the way :)
Knit on!
I came here by way of Grace, and I've lurked here before. I'll link your contest from my blog, but I think my two or three readers read your blog as well!
Tip: Stop knitting after the second or third glass of wine. You'll cry less the next day.
Congrats on your 300th post :-)
Congrats on your 300 posting! I found your contest on Miss Me's blog. I have mentioned your contest in my blog along with my tip!
Happy 300th post! What a great milestone, and thanks for the contest!
Wow - that is a lot of posts! Congrats.
Elaine sent me over http://elaine-knitting.blogspot.com/
Since I am blogless, I'll post my tip here for brownie points:
I use rubberbands instead of stitch markers - I find them easier to deal with, and they never catch on the fabric like some stitch markers do.
That's a lot of posts--congrats!
Congrats on making it to 300!
(I've found out about your blog from Miss Me.)
Happy 300th blog post!
Happy 300 posts!
yeah happy 300th post:))
congrats on #300!
my tip is to remember to take notes. i always think i am doing that but find that i don't write down all the info i may need later. it's a case of "oh, i can remember that" especially when it comes to the 2nd sock. right!
will be linking on my blog now.
Happy 300th from another Jersey girl (at least I am now) but further up the Parkway.
Elaine told me about the contest from http://elaine-knitting.blogspot.com/
My tip is that when I am knitting a sweater, I keep a count of how many rows I've done (of ribbing, to the armholes, etc) so that the fronts and backs all match.
Congratulations! BTW, Adrienne sent me.
Hey, I'm from Jersey too - so if I win, you won't even have to mail it - I'll just come on down and pick up the prize :-)
Elaine said to tell you I found out about the contest from her.
My tip is that I bought size 1 and size 2 12" Addies and now do everything but the heel and toe on circular needles when knitting socks. Way easier and more fun than using double pointed needles or magic loop.
And now the snow is getting heavy so I better get myself headed over to the Parkway soon or prepare to spend the night there.
When casting on larger projects, place a stitch marker every 20. That way you can quickly see how many you have already without recounting (while people are talking to you!). I also use markers every 5 or 10 stitches when using a fuzzy yarn. You can see immediately if you've dropped or picked up.
Congrats on your sucessful blog!
Happy Blogiversary! Congrats!
Congratulations on 300 posts!
I've never made it past post five without quitting, so Bravo indeed!
Oh, and the largest boon to my knitting repertoire was learning to knit backwards - makes entrelac much less fiddly.
I just read you ETA - although this looks like a blog, it really isn't - it's just part of a KAL.
I'm purple on ravelry, does that work?
Congratulations on your 300th!
Hello, my wonderful friend!
I posted on my blog - a whole separate entry about your contest. AND I did the tip/trick, too.
Happy 300 posts, and Blogaversary!
Congrats on number 300!! Almost equal to a post a day for a year!
I found you on Knitwit and posted on my blog to link you!
Congrats on 300!
I have to share my favorite time-saving knitting tip - knitting backwards! Makes short rows a piece of cake!!!
AND knitting in the tail when you start - one less end to weave in!
I linked to you on my blog and found you on Evergreen knits.
Congrats on the 300th!
The best tip I've learned (and just recently!) is to slip st KNITWISE on the right side and purlwise on the wrong side (not purlwise unless otherwise indicated like I've always been told). It makes a much prettier stitch.
Also, the slip slip purl... slip 1 st kw, slip another st kw, transfer both to the left needle and purl together. Again, creates and beautiful, smooth stitch.
Congrats on 300!!!
Happy 300th!
This isn't really a tip, but something said to a friend, "Just TRY circular needles."
Congratulations!! NHknitting Mama sent me over http://nhknittingmama.blogspot.com/
Take care!!
Wow! Great job.
NHKnittingmama referred me here.
My tip is learn how to do anything you now do on dpns on 2 circulars instead. Also use a circular needle anytime you would use straight needles. Then sell all your dpns and straights on eBay and use the cash to buy more yarn!
I have two sets of circulars in all sizes, and I can use them for any conceivable project without having my needles take up a ton of room (I use the KnitPicks Options set).
Congrats on hitting the big 300! I am too new to knitting to have tips to share. I do like hearing how everyone else makes life easier. I'll link to the contest today. Here's to 300 + more!
(I'm still waiting for that snow)
Congratulations on hitting 300 posts! I came over to say thanks for stopping in and seeing Mary's Elkie creation and got an added bonus! A contest to enter! My tip is probably one you don't need judging from the knitting I saw scrolling through your blog before posting a comment but here it be...I always use a life line in anything lace. I seem to have no ability to rip back and pick up if yarn-overs are involved...too many times on my first shawl I ripped the entire thing out. Then I read about a life line and all was right in the world again. In fact, it seems to help me make less mistakes...knowing that 'support' is there. Congrats again and thanks for your comment on Elkie and 'the girls'!
Wow 300 congrats.
Adrienne sent me to you. Hope you have many more posts.
I did link(tried) this in my not worthy blog.
Congratulations on making it to 300!
Oh wow!! 300 posts - congratulations!
My tip: Every piece of travelling knitting (except socks) I knit on circulars. I roam around play group and shopping malls knitting scarfs and dishcloths, bags and other stuff on circulars - if I have to drop one end to deal with children I don't lose either needles or stitches, they pack into a pencil case for ease in stuffing in my handbag and I can pop the ball of yarn in my pocket or hang it from my wrist in a little project bag! (and I don't lose a needle which alway rolls under my seat or my husband's seat in the car!
Wow! 300 congrats! NHKnittingMama sent me your way! She's got a great tip on keeping her patterns organized.
Congrats on 300 posts!!! Monica sent me.
Congrats on 300 posts. I hope to get ther someday myself!
Congrats on 300! I was sent here from Dianne's blog (Britknitter.blogspot.com) and it's up on my blog now too (jeloca.com).
Congratulations! Many more to you!
great job on the blog and thanks for sharing!!
marcy aka knittinggolfer
Congrats on the 300th post! I'm being directed here from Donna Lee over at What You Think on Grows, who, incidentally, gave me the most helpful advice ever:
Don't stress out if you make a mistake. There is nothing in knitting that cannot be fixed.
Congrats, I found you here http://knittingandsuch.blogspot.com I hope that you have a wonderful weekend
Congratulations on your 300 posts! Way to go! I found your contest on Elain's blog.
Congrats on 300. Wow, I just made my 100th.
Happy 300th post.
Love all the beach pictures.
Happy 300... I've got a long ways to go!!!
Happy 300th! From a former Jersey Shore blogger!
hey Nancy, 300, wow, good on you.
posted up on my blog to direct people over to you,
My tip, always have a pencil with eraser on the end in your knit basket, works for me, can make notes alterations and then erase if I need to,also keep a tiny crochet hook with my knitting for those dropped stitches!!!
Have a great contest,
Angie from Cycling Knitter sent me...now I'm going to post my hint on my blog (and a link to this here contest).
Congrats on your 300th post!
Congratulations on your 300th!
I was sent here from Adrienne's blog.
I'm here courtesy of Adrienne ... Congratulations!!! And here's to 300 more!!!
Wow! 300! I've got a long way to go but I'm goin' there. Katie O had a link on her blog to another that had a link to this contest. I posted about it on my blog as well as a few of my favorite knitting tips.
Cynical Knitter sent me...congrats and well done. :)
Happy Blogaversary! Brit Knitter sent me. :)
congrats with the 300 posts!!
I found this on soapbox and I'll post it on my blog too!
Happy 300th post. I'm about to have a contest shortly for my 1,000th post!
Congrats on your 300th post!! What a great milestone! Off to link your contest on my blog
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