My current WIP is this Lace and Fan Baby Afghan I am knitting for my niece's baby shower, which is on July 15. Yep...Shannon is having a little girl. This, of course, means I need to be finished by July 14 at the latest. I started this challenge about June 4, figuring I'd have plenty of time. However, it is not growing as quick as I had hoped. It was my first venture out of my comfort zone of simple knits and purls, working on circular knitting needles, and casting on double more stitches than I'd ever done before. After 3 or 4 froggings and tinkings, almost giving up, but finding no pattern I liked more, I am only 1/3 done. I'd better get knitting!!
Love the pattern, where did you find it????
Both blankets are lovely, nice workmanship.
It was in a book I got in a local craft store, for when I began knitting again shortly after this past Christmas. "Beginner's Guide 26 Knit Stitches and 6 Easy Projects". It is the Lace and Fan afghan from the book.
Thanks Nancy, it really is very pretty.
That's is gorgeous!!!!! I hope the person receiving it appreciates it. It's beautiful!
Deb in Little Rock
It looks really nice. :) Now you know why we have several projects going at the same time, so we dont get too bored with one project. I'm taking a washcloth break from my sweater which should be done by spring :P. hehe
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